logo1 gerard boersma
Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


New Video: Gerard Boersma- The Crime

New Video: The Crime

I've been wanting to do some video clips for a long time now, but my lack of knowledge of the medium always prevented me to do so. I still don't have any, but luckily my buddy Jasper Noordermeer does. He's excellent with the camera and knows how to direct, edit and produce as well.

We're planning on doing a series of short clips with me talking about my paintings or perhaps my philosophies on life and art in general as well. We're planning on shooting one whenever we find the time in our busy schedules. Hopefully it turns out to be a regular thing.

In any case, in todays clip you hear and see me talking about my protest painting The Crime. You're hear me speak Dutch, but Jasper provided the clip with some English subtitles too.

I sure hope you enjoy this little vid. I'm going to take a little break from my daily paintings, I've got tons of commissioned paintings piled up that need my attention bad. I'll post something new whenever I have the chance and will continue to post older and larger scaled paintings here as well. More video clips can be found on my Youtube Channel.

kind regards, Gerard

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