Portrait of my dad
G. Boersma
acrylic on masonite
12 2/3" x 9 1/2" or 32 x 24 cm
not for sale
I talked about my dad in the previous post. Well, this is him. I made this portrait for his birthday back in 2005.
When he unwrapped his present and first saw his portrait he said rather incredulously:
'That's me alright, but am I really that red in the face?' For those who know my dad know that this is so.
'Well yeah,' I answered 'I even toned it done a notch or two. I mean look at your hands. Normally there's a huge difference between the skin tone of someone hands and their face, but it's pretty much the same here.'
'Yes, I see,' he replied 'But did you have to paint me that old?'
'I wanted it to get a good liking.' I said grinningly.
Then he said something I'll never forget.
'Well,' he said. 'Just you remember that for most my life I was looked way better than this!'
He hung the painting on the wall, rolled another cigarette for himself and couldn't keep his eyes of the painting. He still loves it to this day.
kind regards, Gerard