logo1 gerard boersma
Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


Still Life- Lays

G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
16.5" x 23.6" or 42 x 60 cm

My still life paintings naturally grew out of my other series of paintings. On a lot of my paintings bottles of soda and other groceries appeared as minor details. One day I thought it would be fun to focus more on those details and make a still life painting out of it.

I always choose a modern subject for my still life paintings. Not only because I feel that's right up my alley, but also because I strongly belief I should make art of this day and age. And what's more of this day and age than a bottle of Coke or a bag of Lays Potato Chips?

Although my still life paintings have a modern subject they can be seen as paintings about our perishableness just like old master still life paintings.

But there's a little more to it than just that: often they're about choice, abundance and how brands influence our daily life as well. I like to blur the line between high art and advertisements, making you wonder what the differences are between the two and why these products are things we often desire so much.

Lays is the first larger scaled still life painting I did, taken straight out of the local supermarket where I usually do my shopping.

kind regards, Gerard

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