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Wissesdwinger 1, studio no. 8
contact info@gerardboersma.nl


Museum & Art Within Art- The Wheelbarrow

The Wheelbarrow
2 women enjoying paintings by Jopie Huisman

G. Boersma
acrylics on masonite
20.4 x 17.3" or 51,8 x 44 cm

I made this painting especially for my show with my great-uncle Jopie Huisman. On the painting you see two women looking at a painting of a wheelbarrow by Jopie in his own museum.

For me Jopie also has been somewhat of a wheelbarrow. He's one of my favourite painters and indirectly inspired me to paint in the first place.

But I kind of like the fact that the women on my painting are somewhat blocking the wheelbarrow. Yes, having a famous artist in the family sure didn't hurt me, but still I all had to do it myself too.

At times I wish Jopie could have seen my works, but unfortunately he died before I picked up painting professionally. But I'm extremely proud that our works can now be seen together at Museum De Andere Kant!

kind regards, Gerard

The Wheelbarrow can be seen at my show with my great-uncle Jopie Huisman from april 10 - nov 6, at Museum De Andere Kant, It Noard 5 in Workum. The show opens this saturday at 14.00 h. You're cordially invited to join me!

If you're interested in purchasing this painting just send me an email stating the title for price and purchase information.

Museum De Andere Kant

My showroom upstairs
More pictures follow!

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